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Michael Sedbon

Michael Sedbon’s idea of how the plants deal with programs is really interesting, that's a new inspiration for me to create digital plants by AI. The work explores digital networked technologies and systems through their convergence with non-human intelligence (plants, unicellular organisms, insects, bacterias etc...) in regards to the Infocene problematics, seen as, our current cultural era where Information is the force having the greatest impact on human societies and environments. 

Artificial intelligence is quickly getting embedded in every field, sometimes solving problems with 'brute force mechanism', potentially strengthening systems that are biased at there core with a huge amount of data. This increases the unequal distribution of powers. In the same time, readily available/open source algorithms are used in fields such as government surveillance and military processes from grassroots terrorist guerrilla to institutionalized armies and this is definitely something that scares me. The people in The Future of Life Institute are doing a great job at documenting and reflecting these risks.
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