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The stage
Interactive installation, brain wave sensor, screen and print
Variable size
截屏2021-06-05 上午1.17.58.png
截屏2021-06-07 上午2.19.26.png
Inspiration comes from the confusion about self-awareness when using social media, that is, the difference between self-expression and real needs.Through research, EEG technology is used to connect the audience and the virtual characters. The more the audience pays attention to the actor, the more restless his behavior will be and his body will change rapidly; otherwise the actor will become peaceful until he stares at the audienceCreators can look at the creation of the scene from a third perspective. At this time, the audience will reflect on themselves as actors in the virtual social and think about whether the emotions they generate in this process are real self-needs or passive performances.
截屏2022-11-15 下午5.54.30.png
截屏2022-11-15 下午5.54.46.png
截屏2021-05-28 上午1.30.07.png
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