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Bill Viola

One of the distinguishing features of a Bill Viola video is that, although it may be edited or the direction of time reversed (so that water runs upwards rather than downwards, for example), the images are not manipulated with any kind of post production ‘trickery’. They aim to be an authentic record of the event. This is the case even with very dramatic scenarios, such as Fire Woman (2005) in which the performer, a stunt-woman, was so close to the wall of flames that she had to wear flame-retardant clothing treated with fire-proof gel

In Viola's voluminous work, the power and complexity of human emotion are themes of his ongoing exploration. His video installation works focus on the fate, death, birth and rebirth of human beings, interpreting the state, take-off and landing, movement and stillness of the body under extreme stress. Through the perfect control of technology and color, Viola endows the works with a visually striking beauty, making the viewers have the most direct emotional resonance.
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