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Ulysses James Joyce

The irregular layout of the way writer tell the story give me inspiration for just not thinking too much about the narrative side of moving images work. It's kind feels like my work is not her for pleasure audiences but layout my thoughts.

Joyce is good at using simple materials and expressing complex emotions with it. However, the content about the mother actually comes from Joyce's life experience. Real talent, real learning, real feelings. This kind of text, we might call it prose poetry. But because of the brevity of the poem, even in the more than 200,000 words of Ulysses, rhythm and metaphor echo each other and are scattered beneath the surface. In order to find Joyce's amazing technique, we have to read and read it many times. As Joyce himself said: "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
Joyce also opened a new mode for the novel, reading his works is by no means a simple plot reading, but a cultural reading. Dai Congrong believes that Joyce is not creating language as external comments say, "He borrowed the method in "Alice in the Mirror", including the mirror, a fantastic kaleidoscope-like mirror. He incorporates elements of various language vocabulary, including our Chinese Pinyin, Sanskrit, combined with Roman letters. When reading, not only guess how Joyce's language is read, but to read What kind of meaning is formed by combining the languages of various cultures. He can fully present various cultures, regardless of country, high or low, or even ancient and modern. I I think Joyce's attitude towards the recognition and tolerance of various cultures in the world has changed and influenced countless readers, including me."
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