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Tega Brain

The idea of how the creature live in a environment that technology involved in  is really exciting, that's a new inspiration for me to create digital plants by AI. That makes me thinking, If new “wilderness” is the absence of explicit human intervention, what would it mean to have autonomous computational systems sustain wild places?

As territories flood and melt, dehydrate and erode, paradigms of environmental protection and conservation give way to those of management, engineering and strategic intervention. In this sense, as landscape architects Bradley Cantrell, Laura Martin and Erle Ellis argue, conserving wilderness has become more about maintaining autonomous ecological processes rather than the preservation of historic conditions. 

Practices of environmental engineering, whether by machine or human intelligence, raise thorny questions of optimization. Optimization is the problem of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource. It is the attempt to find the best solution from all feasible solutions. However what is considered “best” or “most effective” is a question of best for who? As ecological calamity is met with environmental engineering, what should environments be optimized for?
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