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La Technique Et Le Temps

For my own work , this book could be a main logical idea of how I position "tech" with "art". When I talk about art and explain my topic, I am talked about the medium of my work.

Stigler's philosophical research aims to restore the philosophical position that technology should have. Technology and Time fulfills this mission, hoping to establish a new relationship between technology, time and human nature. Stigler believes that humans are the product of double faults—forgetting and stealing. When Ebimetheus, who was in charge of distribution, distributed performance to the animals that were about to see the sun for the first time, he forgot about human beings, resulting in human beings with nothing; and Prometheus, who was in charge of inspection, stole fire in order to implement rescue, so that human beings could continue their lives. Therefore, human beings are inherently flawed and must rely on the fire, which means creating functions for technology, to survive. From the beginning, Stiegler placed technology in human existence and nature. So, what is the relationship between people and technology, that is, "who" and "what"? Stigler elaborated as: Without technology, people can't be called people; without people, technology can't be talked about. The technology here generally refers to all the external things that human beings rely on for survival, including not only labor tools, but also carriers with personal experience marks such as writing and photography. He collectively calls human's dependence on technology "substitute", and correspondingly, technology has the instrumentality that reflects human's substantiation.

Technology and knowledge were integrated in Homer's time, and later philosophy separates them and treats them in isolation. Technology is considered to have no motivation of its own, and no source to make itself. However, with the development of industry and the advent of the information age, knowledge and social organization have been disrupted, and technology has moved from the status of external tools to the logic of human development. Stigler proposed that the modernization of the era is essentially modernization of technology. In Stigler's view, time is given by technology, and temporality presupposes human representation and coexists with technology. Through technology, people can leave their own traces on various carriers, so that life experience can be continued in ways other than life, such as knotting notes, such as pictures. These artificial memories create the time that distinguishes man from other phenomena of life. Stigler expounded the cross-interaction between technological history and human history: the use of simple stone tools means that human memory has a carrier, and human beings begin the process of extension, marking the transition from prehistory to history; the invention of writing is the first in the history of human memory. A major revolution; information technology in the past 100 years constitutes the second epoch-making revolution. The current information explosion and the rapid development of information processing technology make the industrialization of memory inevitable. The original specific memory, racial memory and individual memory of human beings are being replaced by the new machine memory, and the attributes of human beings are gradually being submerged by the attributes of technology.” "Who" was replaced by "what", and "who" lost its direction. A history of technological evolution is a history of human self-betrayal and self-alienation. When examining the role of technology in human development, Stigler also saw , the technology required to meet basic human needs is very small, and most of the technology is to meet our additional envisioned needs. Especially in this era of advanced technology and inflated desires, we need to calm down and think: When the attribute of "who" is lost and the attribute of "what" is popular, where will we go? In the face of inflated information, how will we make trade-offs? Stigler's philosophical research started from phenomenology, but it is not limited to pure philosophical speculation. He often puts forward unique views on social reality. Although he bases the essence of human beings on technology, his views are radical, but he does not lose its originality. Inspired by the meaning of mirror mirror, it reflects a strong humanistic concern.

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